Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Sun is Setting on the Flat Earth: 100% ABSOLUTE PROOF EARTH IS FLAT!

Sydney, 17 Nov 2016

Silly Globe Earther (and Professional pilot) Wolfie6020 posts this video very clearly showing Sunset from his location.

I thought SURELY this would finally prove the Earth Was Flat at last so I got out my handy Flat Earth Map.  Ok -- let's say it's maybe not 100% accurate -- we'll just try to get an idea of just how WRONG the Globe Earthers are, LOL.

So we jump over to timeanddate.com to find out where the Sun was at sunset in Sydney.

Haha, stupid Ball Earthers - they are about to get their ball handed to them...

Look at this! Proof!  I made a map with a line on it!

Um... wait... What did that video show?

The Suns sets where?

What... 246° from Sydney!?  That's South of due West!

Wait... that would mean...


Night night Flat Earthers...


  1. All im gonna say is... finally the proof ive been talking about has been laid out... thank you dark star

    1. Well, thanks to Wolfie for the clear observation - I just plotted it on the goofy "Flat Earth" map. I've shown this to many they've given two excuses:

      #1 "never said that map was accurate". Which is irrelevant but that never stopped a Flat Earther.

      #2 "the sun doesn't actually set so that's a false observation" -- But I have no idea what that has to do with where the sun is directly over at a specific point in time verses which direction is it from Sydney. But then Flat Earthers aren't known for their ability to think critically.

    2. Aren't there at least a couple of thousand Flat Earthers out there? Why wouldn't they get together an effort to "accurately" map the world, if all that we can buy in stores or find online is either a lie or inaccurate?

      I mean the distortion of South America or Australia on the Azimutal Equidistant map is INSANE... you could disprove that one with just renting a car and going from Perth to Sidney... Or are tachymeters now a lie by THEM too? LOL does your car magically gain threefold fuel efficiency?
      Or will TPTB hypnotize you so you forget 2/3 of your refuelling stops and pay the bills for those refuels you don't remember? (Then they must be the Ministry of Magic levels of talented and Tony Stark levels of rich...)

  2. This website exposes the flat earth map deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped.

  3. Thanks for the great post on your blog, it really gives me an insight on this topic.

    Flat Earth Map

  4. All this stupidity will end if NASA transmits Live a South Pole view, or a full earth view, but none yet,(Unless CGi).

    Flat Earthers are free thinkers and is a very human nature to inquire.

    The Science method welcomes all new information for complementing the understanding of a nature phenomena, or correcting it. So why to take it so personal?, we all are trying to search the true behind the scenes, or not?.

    1. I'm sorry, where did you prove that all the tens of thousands of hours of live video footage and MILLIONS of images from space are 'CGI'? I'd like a link or admit you have no such proof -- as it stands all you have done is prove you are a liar and a fraud.

    2. and NONthinking is NOT Freethinking, try harder.


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