Tuesday, May 16, 2017

1958 Encyclopedia Americana quote "[Antarctic] DOME 13,000 feet high" / Admiral Byrd quote

Flat Earth Claim

"The (Antarctic) flights proved the inland areas to be featureless in character with a DOME 13,000 feet high at about latitude 80 degrees south
(You should feel kind of mad right about now?)


Here is what he actually said about this:

superimposed by a great dome of snow and ice, and toward its center reaching in excess of 13,000 feet elevation.

Confirmed by modern elevation maps of Antarctica.

Domes are geologic features.

We done with Flat Earth yet? I doubt it, their ignorance is fathomless.


  1. I believe the flat earthers are as crazy as they come, but this article doesn't prove a single thing...
    It only provides a quote from another book and that quote is cut too short to really tell you anything. It doesn't disprove the original quote at all....

  2. If the dome was about 4 km high that means in about a few more km , they would hit the invisible barrier flat. If they did , they would have wrote it. I believe what is written in the encyclopedia is just a short of the Byrd diary. The omitted the snow part by mistake. Just think about the prospects of being Byrd and seeing a low dome and the end of the world close and you do not go for it and do not even confirm it. It is likely there is no edge to our world.

  3. I work with a big excavation company here in the NW. I survey land and have to take into account elevation and multiple other factors when working. I'll tell you one thing about you eye half way below water and taking into account height of observer as I do this daily for sidewalk grades. You are wrong. That is actually the correct spot to start from. And at less than three meters in average height it makes no difference at all. Even at 200 feet. You have explained nothing but your opinion with no facts. It's not what you believe. It's what you can prove. Everyday I prove to myself that the earth is not round due to my training and and experience using lasers over great distances. The math is not even close. Either that or earth is about 3x bigger than we know. Hard facts sir. Mr. Birds interview says differently than what your saying he didn't say.

    We done with round earth yet? I doubt it, their indoctrination is fathomless.


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