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Friday, August 3, 2018

Hard Geometric Proof Earth Is A Globe: The Angle Of Polaris

The Simplest proof the Earth is a Globe is how the angle of Polaris changes with Latitude.

Fact #1 each degree of Latitude is the same distance -- 60 Nautical Miles (there is actually a *tiny* shift due to Earth being oblate by just 1 part in 300).  Therefore 45° is halfway from the Equator to the North Pole and 90° is all the way to the North Pole. Sailors for HUNDREDS of years have known this, this is the very definition of Nautical Mile (1 minute of Latitude and there are 60 in a full degree).

Fact #2 each 60 Nautical Miles you go -- that is, for each 1° of Latitude -- the angle of Polaris over your horizon also changes 1 degree.

Fact #3 the SLOPE of a right-angle triangle is given by RISE/RUN and the SLOPE tells you the angle (angle = arctan(slope)).

Therefore -- on a flat Earth, the angle of Polaris should be found by using the simple rule of a SLOPE of a line -- that is: RISE/RUN with the right-angle at the North Pole.

So, if the SLOPE of Polaris at 45° Latitude is 1:1 (which is what 45° *means*) then at 0° Latitude (the Equator) which Is twice as FAR from the North Pole then the SLPOE should be 1:2 *IF AND ONLY IF THE GROUND IS FLAT* -- a SLOPE of 1:2 is an Angle of 26.57° -- but in reality the Angle of Polaris over the horizon is near 0° or a SLOPE of close to 1:infinity.

This exact SAME pattern holds for the Equinox Sun -- the angle of the Equinox Sun (when the Sun is directly over the Equator) equals your Latitude.

This exact SAME pattern holds for viewing a Rising or Setting Equinox Sun but in Degrees of Longitude along the Equator.  It does NOT follow the expected Flat pattern *at all, ever*.

To excuse such a HUGE, MASSIVE failures -- Flat Earther's start making up ever increasing levels of histrionically complete and utter nonsense.  Millions upon Millions of people are all "IN" in the conspiracy. NASA hacks your digital cameras to "fake" images of planets. The Moon is a hologram.  Everyone is a liar. Everyone is suspect. It is a dangerous delusion.

If you look into the in-fighting in the Flat Earth movement you'll see this coming to life.  It won't be long until it comes to violence because half of them think the other half are "Shills", paid by NASA to make Flat Earth look dumb (as if that's needed).

What you will see Flat Earther's do is hand wave and pretend like this is explained by some magical version of 'Perspective' but Perspective IS the fact that the angles change with distance. There isn't some additional perspective effect.

You can easily see that the angular size of the sailboat is smaller for the more distant observer without histrionically throwing out made-up excuses.  We know EXACTLY how this works because every 3D video game is based on it.

NOTHING in perspective causes the angles to change MORE than the angles are expected to change -- which I explained above.  The angle of Polaris at the Equator DUE TO PERSPECTIVE should be the aforementioned 26.57° -- Flat Earth has failed.

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